Category Archives: politics

“Clintons4McCain” founder is nuts on National TV

Chris Matthews talking to some PUMAs and Cristi Adkins of “Clintons for McCain” (Again, ignoring that they apparently don’t agree with Sen. Clinton’s Politics…) stole the show with her craziness. (I am So NOT linking to those people!).

I don’t know where to begin with this one. Her allegations have been rebuffed so many times, it’s sad.
As Sen. Obama has said:

It’s Like These Guys Take Pride In Being Ignorant

“Clintons for McCain”??? These people are not at all representative of Sen. Clinton supporters. If anything, they act like spoiled children who did not get their way.

Loved the “Court Injunction” nonsense…

IMO: The “PUMA/Clintons for McCain” people have serious issues and I don’t mean Political issues. I think John Oliver’s piece on The Daily Show nailed it.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Sen. Joe Biden is Sen. Barack Obama’s running mate

Sen. Obama has selected Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate.

I think he’s a good choice but I suspect the Sen. Clinton supporters are crying in their beer right about now. Me, I like Sen. Biden and I’m curious as to how he handles the many attacks from the GOP. I’m betting we see the Swift Boaters rise up and make up some more lies. I mean, why stop now?

How Sen. McCain’s campaign will react? Will they start painting Sen. Biden as the “2nd most Liberal” in the Senate? Will they go after his Son?

I’m betting they go for the BS “Elitest” label.  Sen. McCain can’t remember key facts about world affairs (Remember when Sen. Lieberman corrected him at a press conference?), has more houses than he can count, fought against the new G.I. Bill (And tried to claim credit), etc. and Sen. Obama is “Elitest”?


I know! A Tell all “Book” that tells the “truth” about Sen. Biden! Hopefully, America is tired of such BS nonsense.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

AP: Obama: tap nation’s oil reserve to help gas prices

Just Marvelous. In what I assume is just an attempt to garner more favor with the people who buy into this Nonsense, The AP reports:

CHICAGO (AP) — Barack Obama is proposing that the nation tap its strategic oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices.

Campaign spokeswoman Heather Zichal said Monday the arrangement would involve swaps by oil companies with the government of light crude oil or heavy crude oil in oil stockpiles in Texas and Louisiana.

In the past, Obama has not advocated tapping the oil reserve, but Zichal said he has reconsidered because he recognizes that high gas prices have caused many Americans to suffer. Obama is making a speech on energy later in the day.

The last time I can remember a candidate doing this was (*shudder*) GW Bush in the 2000 Campaign. Not a comparison anyone would want! Tapping the strategic oil reserves is like giving the Oil Companies more “leased” land for drilling: It won’t help and when it does have a chance to help, it will be years down the road.

I know Sen. Obama needs to appeal to a wide base in order to get elected, but IMO, this is not the way to do it.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

News Media fails to spot political stunt for what it is…

Earlier this week, the house GOP staged a stunt demanding a “Vote”. Problem is: There was a call for the vote and the GOP obstructed the vote.

Did the Press report this little fact? Not so much. Listening to the News Friday, you’d have thought that the GOP was trying to get work done instead being the obstructionists that they are. Remember, this is the same “Liberal Media” that the GOP rails against when they actually do there job and report the facts. (NOTE: I’d bet that this stunt got more Airtime than the Telecom Immunity and other real issues…)

The fact is, the GOP wants to give the Oil companies more land to drill in, despite the fact that the Oil companies are not utilizing all the land they “lease” from the US now.

It’s a false “issue” that the GOP is hoping the American public falls for. They hope it will get them elected and “Help” the Oil companies too.

Did I mention Exxon Mobil set yet another world record in Quarterly profits? $11.68 billion for the second quarter of 2008. That’s $11,680,000,000 PROFIT for 3 months which I believe comes down to $90,123 a minute in PROFIT. Mind you this is AFTER Exxon Mobil “adjusted” the books. (I nearly choked on my coffee  when I saw a “commercial” claiming the Oil industry makes less of a profit than other industries…)

We have real issues and giving the Oil companies yet another hand out is NOT the solution. Whenever the GOP claims they are being “Bi-partisan” they mean they are attempting to dictate to the Democrats and NOT compromise. When they claim the Democrats did not offer a “Real Bill” they mean the Democrats did NOT roll over (YET!!!! They WILL Roll Over, bet on it!!!) and just do what they want.

Does the Democratic Party hold a press conference to point out the fact? Maybe, but would the press actually cover it? I have my doubts.

A Political Stunt makes for much better “News”, right?

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Sen. Obama’s Campaign responds to Sen. McCain

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Recently, the McCain campaign has released two attack advertisements and made statements that were outright false (And the media actually came out and caught it!). I was afraid that the Obama campaign would do a John Kerry and not respond in a meaningful time frame.

Wednesday night, the Obama campaign released a response advertisement appropriately entitled “The Low Road“. This is a good sign as too many people believe the nonsense put out by these McCain ads.

So much for Sen. McCain’s promise of a clean campaign.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

The NRA is going after Disney World?!?

Meant to post this last week but been busy: The NRA is going after Disney World. Just “Wow“. Apparently the NRA is upset that Disney Employees can’t bring Guns on Disney Property…

Sen. McCain home in California is in Default??

Sometimes you just have to scratch your head and wonder. According to Newsweek:

When you’re poor, it can be hard to pay the bills. When you’re rich, it’s hard to keep track of all the bills that need paying. It’s a lesson Cindy McCain learned the hard way when NEWSWEEK raised questions about an overdue property-tax bill on a La Jolla, Calif., property owned by a trust that she oversees. Mrs. McCain is a beer heiress with an estimated $100 million fortune and, along with her husband, she owns at least seven properties, including condos in California and Arizona.

Mind you, I bet Sen and Mrs. McCain doesn’t run the day to day operations of the trust, but in an election year I’d imagine that their business would keep track of their bills better.

As per the GOP, if this happened to Mrs. Obama, they’d be all over it. We’d be hearing things like “How can you trust them to be in the White House?!?!” As it is, this is just Odd.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Just Shocking. Sen. McCain flip flops on another issue

Sen. McCain flip flops on another issue. I guess he figured out which way he thinks the wind blows and changed his position, again. So, let’s see: He was against Torture and then for it, (and when asked about America torturing people, he got confused…) Now he was against indefinite detention and now is for it. Me, oddly, I believe in the rule of law and am against indefinite detention without charges and no right of appeal.

President Putin of GERMANY?!?

I have to say, Sen. John McCain is beginning to scare me. BTW, Vladamir Putin is NOT the president of Germany.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.