Category Archives: Video

Just saw Wanted

My Brother and Sister-in-law got me WANTED on Blu-ray. Really good Action film!

Time Warner has occasional service issues, but …

Time Warner has occasional service issues, but the Call Support is top notch.  I lost a handful of HD channels, including some HBO HD Channels, and called TWC.

I rebooted the Cable Box before I called TWC, and I called the Automated help line and it was reset again. After that did not work, I spoke to Albert.

Honestly, It’s people like Albert that keep me with Time Warner Cable. He had me reset it again by unpluging it, which did not work. The earliest he a was able to get someone out here is on Friday, but he was able to Credit me for the down time.

He was professional, polite and very helpful and he’s the reason why I’m sticking with Time Warner Cable for now.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Better Star Trek XI Trailer

Saw this on Meta Cafe and figured I’d post it. He wrecked what looks like a classic Corvette?!?!?!

Also, Notice it has the Top On and then it’s down as he approaches he cliff? Hope the rest of the movie doesn’t have issues like that… 😉

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

GOP Member Sen. Lieberman doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist

Someday, I hope the Democratic leadership will actually develop a backbone. They reward Sen. Lieberman’s behavior by removing him from an Insignificant sub committee? What is the Democratic leadership afraid of?

Mark the date, after forgoing ANY oversight of the Bush administration, Sen. Lieberman will now do “Oversight” of the incoming administration. That means continuing to be a Right Wing tool for the GOP.

Keep in mind, this is NOT about payback, this is about NOT rewarding bad behavior. Sen. Lieberman campaigned FOR Sen. McCain and repeated out right falsehoods put out by the GOP. As Sen. Lieberman has demonstrated, he can’t be trusted to be in the Democratic Caucus.

Music I’m listening to right Now:
Dumb” by “Garbage” from the “Version 2.0” Album.

President Elect Obama’s first press conference

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After 8 years of Reporters having to submit questions in advance, It was refreshing to hav a news conference that wasn’t staged, asked real questions and got straight answers. Comparing President Elect Obama’s Press conference to President GW Bush is like night and day. As a nation, we have major challenges ahead of us. I’m hoping that as President, he’ll continue the dialog with the public via the White House Press Corp.

I’m also hoping that the GOP will be able to work with the President, but it seems that they just intend to fight him about everything. Example, Rep. Boehner is already setting the tone and continuing to be completely partisan as possible. IMO, some members of the GOP just don’t get it. The American public is tired of “You’re with us or you’re against us!” politics. The President Elect represents just the opposite.

Sen. Obama didn’t win by being a “Left wing Liberal” he won because he’s a Centrist and Sen. John McCain represented the far right during most of the election. I thought Sen. McCain’s campaign was Odd on account that he was the GOP moderate who won the Primaries. Most of the other candidates were far more to the Right than Sen. McCain. Despite this, he selected a Evangelical VP Candidate, only attacked and did not speak about the issues.

Sen. Obama DID speak about the issues, offers plans to help resolve things . If Sen. McCain did offer solutions, it was lost in the din of his negative attacks.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment, I’m sick and watching “How it’s Made” on the Science Channel.

Starbucks has marketing genius

Been a little busy with Work and other stuff but I saw this on Huffington Post. It’s very clever advertising and makes a very good point.

Besides, who doesn’t want a free cup of coffee for doing the right thing?

It’s been really busy at work doing upgrades and helping to roll new projects out. To make life fun, My 3rd Gen Ipod would not hold a charge for longer than a day. So, I ordered a new one and, like clockwork, the old one completely fails.

The timing makes me wonder if Apple somehow communicated to my old 15gb ipod that I ordered a new 120 GB ipod classic. Maybe the Old Ipod knew it was on the way out and just self destructed.

In any case, I’ll continue to try to get the old one working before throwing it into the recycle bin, but the new one is working nicely.

Besides the Ipod classic, I also got a remote to listen to radio when I’m on the buss.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Ron Howard is great

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

I saw this on the Huffington Post and nearly laughed out loud. As PSA’s go, I think this was the best one I’ve seen yet.

For a variety of reason, I’m voting for Sen. Obama but No mater your politics, everyone that is eligible should register and vote.  It’s one time that people have a chance to directly express the direction where they want the Gov’t to go.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Wow. McCain representative is nuts. A Reflection of the McCain Campaign?

Shocking, I know.  I saw this on Firedoglake and was pleasantly surprised to see Chris Wallace ask lobbyist and McCain spokesman, Rick Davis about the hateful rhetoric at McCain/Palin Rallies by some of McCain supporters.

What does Rick Davis do? Pretend that he question was about comments made by Georgia congressman John Lewis *And* throw in that Sen. John McCain was a POW too…

Huh?!?!  As much as I hate to Link to Faux News, See the transcript yourself.

Ok, It’s no secret that the “Straight Talk Express” has been run off the road, but to be asked direct question and respond like that is, IMO,  completely insane.

Must be a lobbyist spin thing. The truth is that the McCain campaign is running a deceitful negative campaign that IS inciting people to violence. That was exactly what Rep. John Lewis’s point.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Karma in Action?

Hotel Room: $120 a night
Drinks: $20
War Mongering GOP Delegate robbed by a Hot Thief: Priceless

Normally, I’m sorry to hear about Anyone getting robbed, but in the case of Mr. Gabriel Schwartz, 29, (That’s him above) I’m thinking he may have been tempting fate. From Pioneer Press :

He met her in the bar of the swank hotel and invited her to his room. Once there, the woman fixed the drinks and told him to get undressed.

And that, the delegate to the Republican National Convention told police, was the last thing he remembered.

When he awoke, the woman was gone, as was more than $120,000 in money, jewelry and other belongings.

The thief’s take stunned cops.

I bet it did. The first sentence read like a cheap romance novel but that is exactly what happened.

I read about this the week it happened, but just came across his interview (I think the unbuttoned Cowboy shirt and the Prada Belt was a Nice touch!).

I just have to wonder: Is he an example of Small Town Family Values I hear the GOP represent? He’s for more War (shocking!) and just taking other peoples resources. Looks like a lovely lady helped herself to his “resources”.

He’s so gung ho about going to war, I wonder if he’s willing to sign up in the Army?  At 29, I bet he’s healthy enough and frankly, the Armed forces could use more volunteers. His resume is pretty impressive too.

Music I’m listening to now:
If I Never See Your Face Again“, by Maroon 5 with Rhianna from the It Won’t Be Soon Before Long album. You can see the video here.

Wow, Great Ad against Sen. John McCain

Saw this on This was allegedly made by a private citizen and I have to say, it’s very good.

The best thing about it is that it uses Sen. McCain’s own words against him. As Sen. McCain himself said, he did everything he could to get GW Bush elected and re elected. He is hardly a “Maverick” in Washington,  but rather an experienced insider.

How on earth will he bring “Change” when he is part of the problem? He’ll “reform” Washington? What, by employing MORE even lobbyists? The very people he rails against?

I think not.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.