Karma in Action?

Hotel Room: $120 a night
Drinks: $20
War Mongering GOP Delegate robbed by a Hot Thief: Priceless

Normally, I’m sorry to hear about Anyone getting robbed, but in the case of Mr. Gabriel Schwartz, 29, (That’s him above) I’m thinking he may have been tempting fate. From Pioneer Press TwinCities.com :

He met her in the bar of the swank hotel and invited her to his room. Once there, the woman fixed the drinks and told him to get undressed.

And that, the delegate to the Republican National Convention told police, was the last thing he remembered.

When he awoke, the woman was gone, as was more than $120,000 in money, jewelry and other belongings.

The thief’s take stunned cops.

I bet it did. The first sentence read like a cheap romance novel but that is exactly what happened.

I read about this the week it happened, but just came across his interview (I think the unbuttoned Cowboy shirt and the Prada Belt was a Nice touch!).

I just have to wonder: Is he an example of Small Town Family Values I hear the GOP represent? He’s for more War (shocking!) and just taking other peoples resources. Looks like a lovely lady helped herself to his “resources”.

He’s so gung ho about going to war, I wonder if he’s willing to sign up in the Army?  At 29, I bet he’s healthy enough and frankly, the Armed forces could use more volunteers. His resume is pretty impressive too.

Music I’m listening to now:
If I Never See Your Face Again“, by Maroon 5 with Rhianna from the It Won’t Be Soon Before Long album. You can see the video here.

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