Daily Archives: September 7, 2008

Huffington Post: Obama Takes First Direct Shot At Palin

Saw this on The Huffington Post: “Obama Takes First Direct Shot At Palin”.

Awesome! Now that’s what I call “Straight Talk”! I bet the GOP calls him “Sexist” for pointing out the truth. The GOP has had control of Congress from 1995 to 2006. Sen. McCain voted with Pres. GW Bush over 90% of the time. When Sen. McCain speaks of “Washington Insiders” he really means himself and his campaign.

Personally, I’m glad Sen. Obama is  responding to their campaign rhetoric and out right falsehoods. Most recently, apparently some McCain supporters Stole Flags from the DNC and claimed they were thrown out. The Flags were NOT thrown out, but why let the truth stand in  the way of a cheap McCain campaign Stunt?

And people think we need four more years of crap like this? Riiiiigggggtttt….

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.