Playing with Different File Formats

This is a shot of 40th and Park AvenueI took in 1992 at 12:17am on a Saturday morning. Here I saved it as a 24bit PNG image. Here is a link to the same image saved as a JPEG File. (Notice how different it is vs. a Rainslicked street?) It has the same resolution, but IMO the PNG file looks better but they are probably equal quality.

nyc photobloggers 3


nyc-photobloggers3.jpgUnfortunately, I got there late, but I did get to see Jesse Chan-Norris give an interesting presentation on a series of shots he took of Manikins (Sounds weird, I know, but it actually isn’t). Unfortunately, I forgot My Flash! The pictures aren’t as good as I’d like, these were barely usable…

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Interesting protest picture

I’m going thru some of the old pictures I printed and came accross this one. This was a small protest on Park Avenue South and 26th street to speak out against the CUNY tuition increase. I was leaving for another class and just saw them thru the Lobby entrance. I took the picture and went to class. What struck me afterwards was that I only got the lower half of the protest sign. Because of this: the picture could be any protest. I like how it worked out.

When I scanned the picture in, I left the border in and did not completly clean up the image. I think it looks more interesting that way.

CSS, HTML and an Old Picture

x-400.jpgI’m still learning how to utilize CSS and the finer points of HTML. The banner background image is a Time lapse shot I took of Grand Central at about 10PM in 1991 with my Minolta X-700 with a Vivitar Series 1 70-200 Lens. I figured it’s as good as any image for a background. Here is a link to the full image. BTW: If your taking time lapse shots at night, Wait till it rains. I’m playing aroung with a CGI perl script to randomize the image. For the Text on the Image, I’d like to use an black outline font, but I haven’t quite figured out how to do that just yet.

I took hundreds of pictures with that Camera in college but I haven’t used it since 1995. That particular shot took me close to an entire roll of film before I got one that I Liked. I took a simular shot in black and white which was good and didn’t cost as much as I developed the roll and printed only the ones I liked.

EDIT: Valuable Lesson! Don’t edit the Stylesheet in a Text editor without applying the changes to MT! When I added THIS entry, It automatically overwrote the Stylesheet on the Filesystem…
Fortunataely, I still had the file open and saved it in MT.

nyc photobloggers 3

nyc-photobloggers3.jpgWednesday night, I’ll be going to the nyc photobloggers 3 at the Apple Store in Soho. Back in college, I used to take hundreds of Black and White photo’s of anything and everything. With Digital Camera’s it’s easier and Cheaper than developing Black & White film.

I’m not very good, but it was fun to do and I had an arrangement with the school Newspaper. I’d help develop and print pictures with the photo editor and get the Key to the Photo Lab. (Saved me lots of money on chemicals!) It worked out for the School newspaper too. They had lots of people to take pictures, but only the Photo editor had the patience to actually develop the pictures. I helped out and had a good time too.

Since I’m trying to get back into photography, I thought this would be a good way to see what other people are doing. Some of the Galleries are really good web sites.
Among them (in no particular order):

It should be interesting. Besides the process of selection and display of images, I’m curious as to the software used in the Blogs.

Harry and a Big paper bag

What is it with Cats and Big Paper bags? Harry isn’t the only cat I know that will jump into a noisy paper bag given the chance. Cats love to jump in and act like no one can see them. Then, when you get too close, they jump out! Cute, but Bizzare…

I took this picture back in October 2004. I forgot all about it since my PC blew up without an up to date backup but just saw it on my Web site where I have a random selection of pictures as the front door. Simple and better than a test page.

American Idiot…

Noooo, Not me! The Album, American Idiot by Green Day. I’ve just had it on for Background music as I work at my desk. It’s really good but you have to be in the right frame of mind to listen to it.

This is the sort of music I listen to when I’m programming, especially if it’s something I’ve never done before. I’m told that it’s odd (I obviously don’t think so) but I can concentrate better with good music playing vs. working in silence. Even if there is Background noise, like this past Friday night when I was working in the Network Control Center during an unexpected network outage, I can work better than if I am in total silence.

I also like listening to Hot Fuss By The Killers. The song, “All These Things That I’ve Done” is, at the moment, my favorite on the Album. “Beleive me Natalie” is a close second. “Somebody Told Me” is what I heard first on the Radio, but really isn’t as good as other songs on the Album.

IMO, For programming, any music is good as long as it a beat, good lyrics, and is interesting. Nearly any Oingo Boingo song, New Order, Any Seal Album is good.

The absolute BEST song to listen too while programming has to be “Dragula” by Rob Zombie. It was in “The Matrix” in the playing in club scene where Neo meets Trinity for the first time. It’s good to work out with too…

Harry twisting his head in his sleep


It always amazes me how cats can and will contort themselves to get comfortable. Here is Harry is showing how it’s Done. He’s comfortable with his head twisted up-side down?

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It Snowed

Last night it snowed close to an inch. Naturally, we have an appointment early in the morning, so I had to clean our car off…

Now, it’s Sunnny and about 40°F so all the snow is melting and sliding off of everything.

I was able to take this shot of my neighbor’s tree while the snow still remained. Looked Nice, so here it is.

Watch this Space…

I’ve deceided to set up my own Blog.

Mostly, it will be for various things like Pictures I take, Rants I feel like going on, What not…