Or how not to treat customers.
Ok, My wife and I get Studio photos taken of the us and our baby and then print out selected photos from the CD. As they are professional, I take the CD jacket which has the license that says the images can be used for Non Commercial uses. This is in case Costco has any issues.
We’ve had no problem before but this time the the Manager comes out, cuts me off when I showed him the CD jacket and lectures me about “copyrights”. When I pointed out that the CD jacket has the license, he “reads” it and says otherwise (it actually has the license printed on it) and turns away. I asked his co-worker (in front of him) what the remedy is. Shocking: He took less then 15 seconds to get the form where I certify I have the right to reproduce my photos…
I don’t have a problem with Costco covering their Collective Ass, I do have a problem with rude “managers” who can’t read. Next Time I print anything there, If he gets rude like that, I’m filing a complaint.
Costco: You really might want to get managers that can read what is in front of them and NOT cut people off.
Music I’m listening to right Now:
Nothing. My wife and I are watching the Oscar pre show on E! channel.
Firefox 3.5rc2 and “Flickr Comment Tools”
“Flickr Comment Tools” is a great Greasemonkey script that I use everyday but under Firefox 3.5, it would not insert emoticons. Finally fixed it, It was a simple change that was driving me nuts… As I posted here:
Got it.
Change this:
ifrm.contentDocument.execCommand(‘inserthtml’,false,'<a title="Smilies" style="background:white !important;" href="http://www.ts0.com/flickrcommenttools/"><img align="absmiddle" style="vertical-align:middle;" src="’+this.url+’" border="0"></a>’);
ifrm.contentDocument.execCommand(‘inserthtml’,false,'<a title="Smilies" style="background:white !important;" href="http://www.ts0.com/flickrcommenttools/"><img align="absmiddle" style="vertical-align:middle;" src="’+this.src+’" border="0"></a>’);
Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment
1 Comment
Posted in Cool Stuff, Different
Tagged Flickr, Flickr Comment Tools, Greasemonkey