Category Archives: Cool Stuff

Battlestar Galactica Series Finale

Battlestar Galactica Season 4 Promo shotAll good things must come to end and Battlestar Galactica had it’s series finale last night.

I find I have mixed feelings about the final episode, which I will discuss after the break.

I really liked the show but agree with the decision to end it. The best stories have a beginning and an end and while I have some issues with the ending, Battlestar Galactica had a decent ending.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

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Spray painting plastic models

Currently painting a plastic model. I’m only doing selected high lights, but I have to be carefull not to put too much on at one time. Rule of thumb: if you think you’re close to putting on too much paint, just STOP. You can do touch up later.

Gundam Expo Japan Limited Gunplas

MG Gundam Ver. 2.0 Clear Color Ver.

MG Gundam Ver. 2.0 Clear Color Ver.

Saw this on Ngee Khiong’s site: The Gundam Expo 2009 in Hiroshima will have show special versions of several kits.

In this case, this is the MG Gundam Ver.  2.0 in clear plastic. As this version has a fantastic internal frame with a great deal of details (See the review on for images) this should be very cool.  I hope to see it on Ebay and maybe pick one up, hopefully at not too great a price.

Music I’m listening to right Now:
No One Lives Forever” by Oingo Boingo from the “Dead Man’s Party” Album.

More PG Astray photos

pg-astray-poseNgee Khiong posted 39 photos of the upcoming PG Red Frame Astray. I have to say, this is an amazing model.

He also found someone who assembled one an placed it next to a PG RX-78-2.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing, but I did just buy the Blu-ray edition of “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” with Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer.

New Gundam Models from Bandai

g-fighter-boxOne of my hobbies is assembling Bandai Master Grade (MG) Models and lately, Bandai has been releasing some really good ones.

One that I thought was over the top, but in the original Anime, is the Master Grade G Fighter. Naturally, (Excellent Site, but in Korean) has got one and is reviewing it now. Just like the Anime, the Version 2.0 MG RX-78 Gundam can be loaded into it. I won’t be getting one, but look forward to assembled photos of it.

In related news: Ngee Khiong (another great site) has new photos of the New Perfect Grade (PG) Red Frame Astray. To put it mildly, it looks fantastic (the gold detail on the sword is a great touch!)! You can see full size images here at Xhood an and here at Toysdaily.

I have quite a queue of models to build and won’t buy any soon, but the latest offereings from Bandai really are incredible.

Music I’m listening to right Now:
Good Morning Britain” by Aztec Camera from the “Stray” Album. You can see the video here.

The US now has a new President

amd_obamabarackAnd now the United States of America has a new President.

  • One that isn’t focused on Agenda over reality.
  • One that will support Science instead of attempting to subvert it for Political Agenda.
  • One that will speak of Bi-partisanship and actually mean it.
  • One that won’t question my Patriotism when I disagree with him.
  • One that won’t say I’m supporting Terrorism when I support Civil Rights.
  • One that is willing to Listen to others.
  • One that isn’t afraid to meet with our Enemies.
  • One will have Accountability.
  • One that won’t break the Law.
  • One that won’t support Torture.
  • One that won’t use a Signing statement to declare an intent to break the law.
  • One that won’t set records taking vacation.
  • One that has a Vice President who won’t make up new Branches of Govt.

Yep, “That One”.

I could go on, but after the last eight years, it’s one hell of a long list.  Love the Dr. Strangelove look Former Vice President Cheney has…

There are issues that I disagree with President Obama about. That’s OK, unlike the past administration, this one is mature enough to acknowledge our differences.

Update: That was a very good speech.  (Text of it here) Bet the Right Wing goes ape about it…

Music I’m listening to now:
Aretha Franklin, I’m watching the Inaguration

LASIK Eye surgery

lasik-steps1Well, I got LASIK Eye Surgery yesterday. I’m happy with the results and I thought I’d describe how it went.

I was a little nervous (By far, this was NOT the hardest procedure I’ve had) but looking forward to it. Janny and I got there early, checked in and waited in the room outside the procedure area. First off, they give you a hair net and booties. This is too keep the room with the equipment completely clean.

Prior to the surgery, a nurse explained the procedure to each of us. There were several people queued up and we had different procedures so the nurse explained the procedures to the two groups.  Then we were to be seen by the Doctor and checked out one last time.

The doctor picked me first, so I went to the examination room, reviewed my file with the doctor, and got one more eye exam. After that, I was taken to the procedure room where they again explained exactly what was going to happen. After lying down,  they put drops in my eye that numbed the eye. It must of numbed the eyelids too since they next put in clips to keep my eye lids open and I only felt a mild pressure.

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Just saw Wanted

My Brother and Sister-in-law got me WANTED on Blu-ray. Really good Action film!

Time Warne has the SciFi channel in HD

Silly bit of news, but it will make watching the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica better.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7

Costco sent us a $30 coupon, so I figured I’d get it. After using Photoshop CS2, I find this really does most of what I do now with no problem.

Best of all: it works OK on my 2001Pentium 4 PC.  (In an effort to save money, I’m using it until it falls over.) So far, it works very well. I’m able to process RAW images from my D80 without any problems.

As I play around with it, I discover that it has some features that really like. In the Organizer, you can right click and assign a location to an image by right clicking it and selecting ‘Place on a map…’, and then paste the address. It looked it up the address, prompted me for confirmation and added the GPS coordinates to the files I selected. This sounds trivial, but when I upload to Flickr, it automatically place the image correctly on the map. Here are the EXIF Tags it adds:

GPS Latitude        : 40 deg 45' 9.00" N
GPS Latitude Ref    : North
GPS Longitude       : 73 deg 58' 39.00" W
GPS Longitude Ref   : West
GPS Position        : 40 deg 45' 9.00" N, 73 deg 58' 39.00" W

Which, when posted to Flickr, says the photo is in “Taken in Tenderloin, New York“. Odd. The only gotcha I found is when I add GPS to a NEF file, the coordinates did not make it to the JPEG version. Maybe I did something wrong.

It comes with a photo downloader that I’ll be testing too and It has version control so I can see the before and after of an edit. Moe as I play with it.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.