I have to say, It’s very pretty.
It’s an odd error that I did not get with the Beta version. I’m not the only one to see this either.
On the plus side, I always back up my data and Upgraded a 2nd DB. That way, it could co-exist with the older version which is how I can post this…
Update 1: Getting less impressed as I continue. Apparently, the word delimiter is different from Version 3.3 to Version 4.0.
So, the Version 4.0 entry has a file name like this: attempted-to-upgrade-to-movable-type-4.php
While the Version 3.2 is:
Why does this matter you ask? Simple: If I rebuild my site, All the links in Google get invalidated AND all the old files are still out there.
I’m hoping there is a switch that can be set to correct this annoying deficiency.
Update 2: I mentioned it here on the Forum.
Final Update: I switched to WordPress.
Music I’m listening to right Now:
New Thing by Fuel from the “Sunburn” Album.