On my Flickr account I put a modified photo of a lady waiting to cross 3rd Avenue (Original here). I'm not at all a Photoshop expert but two of the comments asked me how I did it so, here it is after the Break.
Music I'm listening to right Now:
"On a High" by Duncan Sheik from the "Daylight" Album.
Assuming you have Photoshop:
- Load the image in Photoshop and Select the "Gradient Tool" by hitting "G" Make sure the Options look like this:
- Select "Quick Mask: by hitting "Q"
- Since
we want her entirely in focus, drag you mouse from her waist to about
80% the height of the screen. The Line should look like this:
- Once you let go of the mouse, you'll get a mostly red image with the lady being fairly un-obscured:
- Exit "Quick Mask" by hitting "Q" again. Your Image has a circle around it now:
- Now we apply "Lens Blur" by selecting "Filter"->"Blur"->"Lens Blur". In this case, I used these settings:
- Hit OK, let it do it's Magic, Clear the selection by using the Drop Down menu "Select"->"Deselect" and save your results.
All Done. Hope this is useful. If you like it, leave a comment (Assuming my comments work! programmers should NOT tinker with their Own Blogs…)
2 responses to “My Mini Photoshop How To…”