Monthly Archives: May 2005

Old Painted Advertisements


In New York City, we have a lot of old buildings that have the remains of hand painted advertisements. In this “modern” age, we have tarps that are painted by machine that get stretched in it’s place. I think I’ll snap a picture of the remains of interesting advertisements when I come across them.

In this case, there is a Man working next to the blue “Direct from the Manufacturer” painted place card. It’s so faded that it looks like a Pencil sketch.

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Motorbikes Again


Where I work, lot of Bikes, but lately, Not so much Sunlight.
These two are owned by two co-workers. Motorbikes park in groups.
Not sure Why.

I’m trying to convince my friends to park Differently so I can get the a better shot of the Red one.


A simple idea for a project…


I join a Co-worker for Coffee Everyday and nearby is a Tree. My simple Idea is to take a picture Every few days of the tree and make a Web page or Animated Gif file showing it’s progress/decline over the year.
The Above picture was taken April 13th and the One below April 27th.

I think I can get the same shot from the same position everytime, so I think it might be interesting wactching the tree turn colors and what not.
