Digging up Old Pictures

Most years, I ski 3 to 4 weekends a year slipping to the west coast for skiing in Utah, Lake Tahoe, and Vancouver Canada.

At Brighton, On day one of the trip, I managed to sprain my Ankle and then 2 day’s later doing this while attempting to learn Snow Boarding (Yes, I did it During the Lesson!). Needless to say I’m sticking to Skiing.

The odd thing was, Other then when I tried to use that arm for getting up, it didn’t hurt all that much. The really funny part was that the Ski Guide had to be called down from the mountain. They wanted me to get into a stretcher, but as it was less than a 200 feet walk, I declined. They pulled out notepads and took really good notes as I was the first Dislocation one of them had ever treated…

Here is what the Arm Should Look like after they put it back:

Interesting find on the Sidewalk

This Vespa is an example of what is usually tied up on a New York City sidewalk.

This was a little unusual:

From the looks of it, it’s a personal bike for 3 people. No Banners or Advertisements either. It’s certainly different.

Cat on Elizabeth Street

Nothing fancy, but while walking down Elizabeth Street, I came across this cat under a Fruit bin.

Memorial to Andrew Morgan

IMG_1340.jpgMaybe Memorial isn’t the correct word, but I can’t think of another. Andrew Morgan was riding a Bike at Houston and Elizabeth when he was killed by a truck. This White Bike was left to mark it.

As discussed on Gothamist.

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Can you See Harry?

IMG_1353.jpgFor a Cat, the Entire World is their playground. We can learn a lot from them.

Can you spot Harry demonstrating the proper use for a Box?

These were taken over the weekend, But I’ve been too busy to post them.

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Really Scary Times


Not sure which is worse, the threat of terrorism or the threat of overreaction by the Authorities. The above photo Op was the police detaining some Tourists. This was from Sunday’s Tour Bus Scare. If I had to take a guess, the NY Daily News saved this for Tuesday to continue to Milk the situation to sell News Papers.

Above Image from Gothamist who got it from AP.

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Good bye, Martin Cat.

I wasn’t going to write about this but after typing it up, I realized that writing it helps.

One of the worst duties of a pet owner is that you sometimes have to put them down. In 1989, I paid for Martin at a Pet Shop around 60th and Lexington Ave. Now, 16 years later, he took ill. Specifically, his Kidneys stop working and he stopped eating and drinking Thursday night.

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Be on the look out for Suspicious Clothing…

cargopants.jpgAccording to the Daily News article,

A Gray Line dispatcher called 911 and told cops the men had backpacks and their pockets “stuffed” – a possible warning sign of suicide bombers, said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.

That’s just Perfect! That describes Me!!! I’ve Got a Backpack stuffed with LOTS of innocent things, I wear cargo pants an Often stuff my Ipod in one pocket *and* my Camera in the Other!

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Maps at Google.com got More Better!!!

I was just wondering “What Cool Stuff Can Google Do Next?” when I read this on Slashdot.org! Hybrid Maps overlayed on Satellite images…

Here is 11 Madison Avenue Near Snack Shack on 23rd street…

Image from Slashdot.org

Can you really patent an “emoticon”?

According to Slashdot, Microsoft Frowned at for Smiley Patent.

From the ZD Net Article

The patent, which was published by the US patent office on Thursday, covers selecting pixels to create an emoticon image, assigning a character sequence to these pixels and reconstructing the emoticon after transmission.

The implications of this is more than a little odd. The funny thing is Microsoft keeps saying their for Innovation. I like to code with disctintve comments in PERL:

while(<STDIN>) {
   # Clean up the string...
   $_ =~ s/^s+(.*?)s+/$1/;

   # Split up the record
   @Temp = split(/t/, $_);

   # Clean up Each Field
    foreach(@Temp) {
      $_ =~ s/^s+(.*?)s+/$1/;
   } # End of foreach(@Temp) {
   # Do something else...
} # end of while(<STDIN>) {

Do I have to worry if someone Patents my style of comments? Weird.

Image from Slastdot.org