Vice President debate

Came home a little late. So far no out right Gaffes, but Gov. Palin is acting a little snarky and seems to be smiling or giggling every time Sen. Biden speaks.

Amusingly, she’s attempting to lecture Sen. Biden and to tell him What his positions are. More than a little Odd, but I’m betting the GOP Spins it as just being “Tough”. IMO, She’s simply using all the talking points but not really answering questions. She’s also speaking way too fast.

Sen. Biden is answering questions, keeping focused and getting better responses from the crowd according to CNN’s instant graph.

Thinkprogress is keeping track of the debate.

Update: According to CNN’s “Analyst Scorecard” Sen. Biden is winning.

Update II: That Odd. I’m betting the pundits won’t call it for Biden till morning.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

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