Daily Archives: March 19, 2006

Ajaxify: EnhancedEntryEditing by Arvind Satyanarayan

Ajaxify: EnhancedEntryEditing by Arvind Satyanarayan is a Very cool and useful Movable Type Plugin.

It makes use of another program called TinyMCE for creating and Editing Movable type pages. Turns out that you can configure TinyMCE for all sorts of Options.


Among Other Things:

  1. Easy Ordered  Lists
  2. Tables
  3. Insert/Edit Flash
  4. Easy Font Control
  5. Easy HTML Code viewing/editing
  6. Easy Custom Character (∞) insertion
  7. Sub and Super Script
  8. Easy Color Control

It's a Nice plugin.


Music I'm listening to now
Nothing, I'm watching TV (TLC on Cable) with my Wife