NYC Photobloggers 5

Naturally, I was late arriving…

This picture has an amusing story: a week ago I was Hiking in Lake Minnewaska and playing around with Aperture Priority Mode on my Camera. I forgot about it, took this shot and realized afterwards.

It’s an Odd photo, but I like it.

Being late, I had a terrible vantage point. I wish these came out better.

This is Jake Dobkin and Marcin Wojcik talking about his website

He gave an interesting presentation and has a good sense of Humor. Afterwards, he gave away a couple of prints of his work.

This is Lia Bulaong discussing her web site Her explanation of it was pretty good. I think that the 24 in 48 idea is interesting and certainly resulted in good shots like the one above.

Here is Jake showing his New website

Here is Dave Martinidez Speaking to us about his work on What I like about his work is that it is entirely done in Black and White. He explained why he does that and what went into some of his shots.

This is Masood Kamandy. IMO: his presentation was the best all night. This photo above is of his Parents wedding in Afghanistan back in 1969. Masood explained that before the Wars and strife, Afghanistan was as modern as any other nation. When he went there after the fall of the Taliban, he set up a Class in Photography.

These are Masood’s first students. After raising money, Masood was given an old classroom that was used as storage, cleaned it up, split it into two and made a classroom and a Dark room. What I liked about his class was this: he gave no assignments per se but rather told them to pick a theme and stick with it. The photographs that he displayed was just a sample of the photo’s taken by his students. They picked Black and white since there is no where in Kabul to get a Digital Camera repaired. He mentioned that these photographs show daily life as opposed to what we see in the newspaper.

For me, photography is a hobby that I indulge in. In Masood’s case, he made Photography a tool for real change.
His weblog has both an interesting Commentary and examples of his students work

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