New York Police to Search Commuters’ Bags

nypd-NY1.jpgAs per the NY Times.
We live in scary times, and obviously, something needs to be done but this? This may be Pandora’s box cracking open. A few loaded questions:

  • How does a Cop choose a “Random” bag to search?
  • Suppose you object to a search on the Bus?
  • What about a Lady covered head to toe for religious reasons?
  • What if they publically search a guy with lots of valuables that gets publically exposed? “On your way, have a safe trip sir”?

This may cause more problems than it solves. I’ve had my car searched a couple of times before entering the Midtown Tunnel. It’s inconvenient, but you don’t mind since it’s before you get to the tunnel. “Random” Searches in a crowded Subway at the entrance Only?

The Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says “It’s a safety issue. People don’t consider any measures that you take for safety to be an inconvenience. This is New York City.”

What’s next, strip searches? Take your shoes of for the Bomb Detector, please? It just could be that taking measures like these: the Terrorists have really begun to win.

Image from NY1.

Images from another summer Walk

IMG_1230.jpgA little out of sequence, but I liked this one the best.

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You’d think they’d take down the sign…


To The Moon!

TN-Moon.JPGRead on Google have applied thier Map Making skills to the moon. Nice, but I wonder when you’ll be able to look up crater locations by name?

Image from NASA

Movable Type 3 Bible

movabletypeBible.jpgAfter using Movable type for a bit, I thought it might be a good idea to read about it as it doesn’t do everything I want right out of the box. So I purchased Movable Type 3.0 Bible Desktop Edition by Rogers Cadenhead. This book is a Good reference and explains a lot.

However, I could not get ImageMagick and PerlMagick working on Fedora Core 3! After trying to debug the make file (NOT FUN), I searched via Google and came across Jim O’Connell’s web site.
The long and short of it: his detailed instructions worked perfectly!

I left a grateful “Thanks!” in his web log!

Cool Cat


Harry’s Escape attempt!

While doing yard work, I noticed Harry at a window…

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Harry Trying to get some sleep

Everyime I leave my house, I cehck where Harry is. Many is the time I opened a closet to get an umbrella or my jacket and he scoots right in. In this case, I found him uder a bed attempting to get some sleep…


In the near future, I’ll be going snorkeling and I got some equipment to make this a little easier…

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When I switched my Movable Type instalation to generate PHP, I screwed up my “links” section…

Now Fixed.