Ok, Lets Recap, At this writing:
- The Democrat's hold the Majority in the house.
- The Democrat's may hold the Majority in the Senate.
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi will be the first Madam Speaker in US History.
- Rep. Dennis Hastert is bowing out from the now minority leadership role (Too little too late?).
- Donald Rumsfeld has resigned from his position as Secretary of Defense as announced by the President (Way Too late).
What a difference a day can make! I'm more than a little surprised that they did so well in the Senate. Calling a majority in the House was a "No Brainer", but the Senate? At this time, control of the Senate depends on how Virgina turns out. Either way, I think it's safe to say people have had enough of the Direction this country has been going.
Favorite Quote from Sen. Joseph Lieberman:
“Thanks, Don, you've served the country but really we need somebody new there.”
I wonder what other changes the Whitehouse will make?
Music I'm listening to right Now:
"Gone Going" by Black Eyed Peas from "Monkey Business".