Really Cute Dog!

Really Cute Dog!

Originally uploaded by S.D..

Never underestimate the power of cuteness. This little guy has garnered over 1,400 views inside of 48 hours! At the moment, this is the most viewed photo I've posted on Flickr.

This has been a horribly unproductive day: My phone line and thus my DSL was dropping in an out all day. Where I  originally planed to work from home to deal with some issues here, I had to take a day off.  Now the DSL is up (for the moment!) but the phone has no Dial tone. Verizon is working on it as it affect my entire neighborhood.  

Music I'm listening to right Now:

"Life is Wonderful"
by Jason Mraz from his "Mr A-Z" Album.  I like songs with interesting lyrics and
"Life is Wonderful" has really good lyrics that are fun to listen to. 



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