Tag Archives: Sen. Lieberman

GOP Member Sen. Lieberman doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist

Someday, I hope the Democratic leadership will actually develop a backbone. They reward Sen. Lieberman’s behavior by removing him from an Insignificant sub committee? What is the Democratic leadership afraid of?

Mark the date, after forgoing ANY oversight of the Bush administration, Sen. Lieberman will now do “Oversight” of the incoming administration. That means continuing to be a Right Wing tool for the GOP.

Keep in mind, this is NOT about payback, this is about NOT rewarding bad behavior. Sen. Lieberman campaigned FOR Sen. McCain and repeated out right falsehoods put out by the GOP. As Sen. Lieberman has demonstrated, he can’t be trusted to be in the Democratic Caucus.

Music I’m listening to right Now:
Dumb” by “Garbage” from the “Version 2.0” Album.