Tag Archives: Life

Wow, it’s been a while…

speedtest.net resultsLot of things going on.
We are now using Verizon FIOS (see speedtest results). After having one issue or another with TWC every week, it just got too tiring. When VZ called me up and  I priced out FIOS for TV, Phone and Internet, It’s just cheaper for me and my wife. On top of that, we get faster Internet, all HD channels we want, and the DVR works better. So, for now, we’re happy with Verizon FIOS. Since it is a NEW Fiber optic line coming into the house, I hope this eliminates all the issues I had with the original Copper line.

I have NOT been able to do many Photo Walk abouts in the last 6 months but I have joined a Camera Club at work. It’s fun and I have a chance to meet and network with new people. The Club covers events for work and is a lot of fun.

My Wife and I are expecting a Baby. Needless to say, we are happy to add to our Family!

Another Overdue update

s-IRAN-PROTEST-largeLots going on lately and I’ve been neglecting my blog…

The most pressing item I’ve been reading about is the aftermath of the election in Iran. To put it mildly, the news is stunning. First, you have the apparent theft of the election (Does ANYONE know who really won???), then, the protests (a right we take for granted), and now the crackdown by the Gov’t. You can read updates here at The Huffington Post and all related posts here.

The people want change and the Gov’t and their supporters are oppressing them. The Gov’t is trying to control info that comes and goes from the people. Between phone and the Internet, the Gov’t (thankfully!) doesn’t seem to be having much luck blocking the info. What info does get out, paints a stark picture and makes our issues seem trivial. Here in the U.S., next time you see a protest and complain about it, thank your lucky stars that people here CAN protest and that you can complain about it. Not everyone is as fortunate.

I have no idea how far this will go, but I think the world should pay close attention as, one way or another, history is happening now.

On a much lighter note: I’m trying to get out to take photos again with varying success. I’m reading Joe McNally’s “The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes” and getting a lot of tips and inspiration from it. It has a lot of good info, is well written, and entertaining too. I highly recommend it.

I’m also brushing up on Photoshop Elements. Between magazine articles and a book or two, I’m adding to my limited skill set.

Work is the good. Things are stable and the occasional late night call is happening less frequently.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

Quick and overdue Update

Dell XPS 630

Ok, It’s been quite a while since I updated my blog, so here is a rundown:

  • I’ve been working on my little backyard garden every weekend since it’s been warm enough. As a result, the lawn looks good, the vegetable garden is growing and our flower beds are weed free and has cedar mulch.  The Iris that our neighbor, Mrs. Chiu, gave us is really taking off. She planted that Iris in every house she owned, but finally moved to an apartment so she gave it to us. I have to call her son to let them know that it continues to grow (30-40 years!). It’s hard work, but it’s enjoyable as WE benefit from it.
  • Related, I striped apart our Weber Genesis BBQ cleaned it, replaced the gas line (old quick connect is not used anymore), and we are good to go. That grill is a hand me down from over 10 years ago. The good thing about Weber grills: it will last forever if you keep it clean. I can’t wait for our small July 4th BBQ.
  • We have so much Mint and Sage that we’re giving it away (Luckily our neighbor likes Sage). Since we have so much mint, we’ve learned to make an occasional mojito too.
  • Thanks to Janny, I’m finally learning how to cook. I’m starting with simple meals like Tilapia fish marinated with coconut curry and collard greens. I also can safely cook chicken and pork chops too. Anyone that knows me, knows what an accomplishment this is. Having a good Zojirushi rice cooker also helps.
  • Our home computer had a very persistent computer virus. The virus scaner (Two!) would ID the files but could not clean it as their was a persistent lock on them. As my brother suggested, I downloaded Ubuntu, burned a boot CD, booted up in LINUX and removed the infected files.  That was so easy that it was a bit ridiculous. Booting up in LINUX completely disables the threat.
  • After using our PC since 2000/2001, we decided now was a good time. So, Janny and I got a Dell XPS 630 and pretty much optioned it out (8gb RAM, 1TB RAID 0, Intel® Core 2 Q8300 (4MB,2.5GHz, 1333FSB), 24 inch Flat screen monitor, etc. ). To put it mildly, I’m really looking forward to getting it.

In summary, life is pretty good.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment.

What a busy week

What a busy week this has been. As Inigo Montoya once said “Let me explain, no, there is no time, let me sum up“:

  • Finished the Oil to Gas conversion. Our OLD oil burner was installed in 1952 and designed in the 1920’s. Needless to say, it was expensive to run, especially in winter. I’ll write up a post on that exclusively later on. We used John Sideris Plumbing to do the work and we’re very happy with the work and the results.
  • Attempted 3 times to have Time Warner Cable come and fix our Cable issues. After blowing off TWO appointments and arriving nearly an hour LATE to the THIRD appointment, they “diagnosed” the issue and left within 10 minutes. My wife called me after they left and I called TWC and got them to go back. The Technician insists there is no problem and that the screen going blank is “normal” and happens “occasionally”. The problem is, the issue is intermittent and unpredictable. Explaining that to the technician was an complete waste of time and he frankly did not care or want to hear it. As soon as humanly possible, we are switching our Cable TV service to Verizon. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had issues with Verizon too, but after all the issues I’ve had the last few months with TWC, I’m willing to give it a chance.
  • Work is fun. We had an outage on Friday night that took quite a while to resolve. I was not able to leave work till 9:00pm. That in itself was bad, but I had to be in Princeton New Jersey by 7:30am the next day. Since I was late last time I had to go to Princeton, I left my house at 5:00am and got to work at 6:30am (Better early than late). That actually worked well, as I was able to get a good breakfast, relax and just jump right into the work that needed to be done. Thanks to my co-workers, everything went great (I mostly had a support role), but I was not able to leave till 7:00pm for a 2 hour drive to get home. Now on Sunday, I’m very tired. I’m glad days like this are few and far between.
  • We recorded the Olympic Opening ceremony on our DVR (Only one Blip in the Recording! “Normal” right???) for viewing later. After seeing it, my wife and I could not help but think: The Next City to host the Olympics can’t possibly top that. You can see some fantastic photos here at Boston.com and here at the Official web sight, en.beijing2008.cn.

Other than that, life is pretty good. Mostly, we are taking it easy, watching the Olympics. I was able to record “Shoot ’em up” on the DVR this week. I’m looking forward to seeing it as both Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti are great.

Music I’m listening to now:
Nothing at the moment. I’m watching “Shoot ’em Up“, With Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti and Monica Bellucci. It’s a great Action film and Lots of fun.