More Trains

Sugar Cane Train in Lahaina Maui.

And here is the train that took us there:

Harry enjoying the first day of Autumn

Harry chilling on our couch.

Old Train from Puerto Rico

Going thru old Pictures on my PC, I found this one. In August of 2001, I was in Puerto Rico and came across this in the R


topictech2.gifOk, After Much Trial and Error, I got Scode Working properly.

Two Problems I had that had NOTHING to do with Scode:

  1. Had issues setting up GD and the Perl Module.
  2. Had an issue figuring out the proper place to Insert the Scode Tag!

Once these were “Defeated” it works like a charm. Scode is a Nice and quick way to help limit Comment Spam. Configuring it was a lot easier with MT 3.2 than prior versions.

Next Work: I need better Trackback Spam help…

Image from

Another reason to Love NYC.

cat-walk-00.jpgOnly in New York City do you find some walking his Dog *AND* his Cat! The cat, Maya (Hope I spelled that right!) is a Siamese Ocelot mix. Maya would also have boots but her owner can’t keep them on her.

Continue reading

New Film Scanner

negative-01.jpgRecently I’ve had need to scan photos into web pages.

To this end, we got an Epson Perfection 4180 scanner. It has a film template that allows me to easily scan negatives in. The one above is from 1991. So far so good…

You just can’t make this up…

A photographer at the UN had an angle to catch The President of the United States jotting a note down. “What deep thought could this be?” one asks?
Hey, Lets get a close Up:
“I think I may need a Bathroom break? Is this possible”

Gelf Magazine has an interview with the photographer. More here.

There is a thing called “Too much Information”! An example would be This. From a President who is VERY secretive, he has moments that I DON’T want to know.

Did I Really want to know that the man who could launch a Nuclear missile was nearly taken out by a Pretzel?!?!?

More conversation here.

Photo from Reuters.

Calandar work around…

Six Apart has a pretty good Knowledge base. Searching it for “lastn” came up with this.

Turns out it’s a Known bug and the work around is to multiply the requested “lastn” by 3. I’ll have to change my templates back when it’s fixed, but that’s ok.

MT 3.2

Just Installed it. Other than my Calendar being screwed up, it seems to work ok.

US can detain “enemy combatant” indefinitely

jose-padilla.jpgWe truly live in scary times.
From the Financial Times:

The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that José Padilla, a suspected al-Qaeda operative who US officials say was planning to carry out a terrorist attack inside the US, could be detained as an “enemy combatant” without any review by US civilian courts.

Don’t get me wrong, For all I know, José Padilla may be the Son Of Satan, but I deeply beleive that Everyone should get their day in court.

See Here: Amendment 5 – Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings

Pay attention to “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury” and “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;“.

What blows my mind is: These are the same people who used to decry “Big” Gov’t. What ever else José Padilla may be, he’s a US citizen that has been locked up and deprived of Constitutional rights by the Gov’t without so much as a trial.

If he’s guilty, hold a trial, present evidence, convince 12 people he’s guilty and penalized him according to the Law.

We go after some foreign Governments when they do the same thing (Except Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) but we do the same thing? We live in a State where the Government can unilaterally lock up it’s citizens indefinitely?

Like I said, We truly live in scary times.

Photo originally from Reuters