Monthly Archives: October 2005

Harry Sleeping


NYC Photobloggers 5

Naturally, I was late arriving…

This picture has an amusing story: a week ago I was Hiking in Lake Minnewaska and playing around with Aperture Priority Mode on my Camera. I forgot about it, took this shot and realized afterwards.

It’s an Odd photo, but I like it.

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You almost have to feel sorry for him…

1004bomb-autosized141.jpgSaw this on Engadget. According to the AZCentral Article:

An Army sergeant based at Fort Huachuca walked into a bank Monday, his mouth covered in duct tape, and presented a note saying he had a bomb in his mouth, police said.
A bomb squad robot removed the tape. Robinson said once the tape was taken off, Lewis spat out an unidentified object, which was not an explosive device.

Having a Remote Controlled Robot stick a Camera in his mouth had to be, um, Different. See here. After they cuffed him, he couldn’t say “No, really, I don’t have a bomb!”.

Photo from AZ Central

Really Good Tip site..

gundamcraft-01.jpgOne of my hobbies is assembling and painting plastic Models based on Japanese Anime. In the last year I’ve not had the time to make any kits, but I have several that is queued up to assemble and detail.

Recently, I came across the Gundamcraft website which has Tutorial videos for assembling, airbrushing and detail the models.

It’s all in Korean (I think) but the video has good examples of assembling and airbrushing that I found useful.

See Here.

For a good shop to buy Models and whatnot: Image Anime

Image from

Different but true…

inside1-cage.jpgOk, first off, I like Nicolas Cage. I think he’s a really good actor and I will see a bad movie if he’s in it. (None come to mind. I’ve liked everyone I’ve seen…)

I really think it’s great that he and his wife just had a Baby and wish only the best for all three of them.

That being said:
The Child’s Name is Kal-el Coppola Cage.

Kal-El as in Superman.
No pressure, kid.

Best wishes to the Family.

Image from USA Today article